In some cases we need to find out maximum length of all elements in the associative array. We will find the solution in this article. Consider the following associative array: Problem In the above array, we need to find out the maximum length for every element such as name, age and email respectively. Expected Output […]
Author: admin
Date and Time
Date: PHP date function return current date of server with the requested date format. syntax: The return format is string. $format – Mandatory and data type is string. $timestamp – Optional and data type is integer, time() is the default value. Time: Time function return current unix timestamp. Example For UTC Timezone Click the below […]
PHP Break and Continue
PHP Email Validation with Example
PHP Switch
Create Contact Form Validation in Javascript | Demo and Tutorial
We already discussed about PHP contact form in the past article. Now we will discuss about how to create contact form validation in Javascript. You can use this validation part together with PHP contact form. Click the below button to see the demo for PHP contact form with Javascript validation. Demo For PHP Contact Form […]
PHP Loop
PHP If else
PHP Constants
PHP constants are identifier for a simple value. The possible datatypes of constants are boolean, integer, double, and string. Once we defined the constant, we cannot change the value of constant and cannot unset the constant. Characteristics of constant: constant is case sensitive by default The name of a constant is uppercase A valid constant […]
How to create PHP contact form | Demo and Tutorial
PHP contact form is used to communicate the site owner with customers. The site owner can know the thought of customers regarding their service with the contact form. We have created simple contact form using HTML and PHP. The webmaster can easily pluck this contact form in the new or existing web pages. Process of […]