Ad2Ex Adverser PHP Script
Main Purpose of this php script:
Detailed Description:
Ad2Ex Adserver is an ad serving script developed in PHP & MySQL for businesses. It allows its owners to start their own revenue generating ad serving business. Our powerful dashboard allows complete control of traffic stats to revenue management. Available Features:PopUp, CPM, CPC, CPA, Direct Link ,HTML Ad,Text Ad and Display ad . Buy it once & own the most popular Ad Serving Platform script.
some of Admin features
- Fraud detects ( fraud clicks, Bot click, Proxy click and Invalid click).
- Full network reports and reports each user, ad and site/app.
- live reports per 1 second.
- Turn on or off Ad types (CPA, CPC, CPM, CPV).
some of Publisher features
- Dashboard multi-language.
- Full reports by os, country, browser, date.
- Detected and record site/app automatically.
- Ticket support system
some of Advertiser features
- Target campaign by Language, OS, Categories, Browser and Country.
- Set maximum bidding price.
- Zonids blacklist and report.
- Available many Payment methods (PayPal, Payza, 2 Checkout, coupons, bank transfer).
More features
- SEO pages and urls
- 99% open source code
- No limits on user accounts